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This paper describes an analysis of the plants of Sambalpur district of Orissa, India which have been used medicinally by local people. The families having medicinal values are analysed using Moerman's method of regression analysis. There were 136 plant families recorded from the study area. The analysis of families showed that the Euphorbiaceae family being used most ethnomedicinally by the local people in Sambalpur district of Orissa, whereas Poaceae is used least one. This type of study determines the degree of importance of plant families in the medicinal flora of the region.  相似文献   
武钢工业区绿地景观格局分析及综合评价   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
城市绿地作为工业区生态系统中主要的自然成分和初级生产者,在改善环境质量、调节生态平衡、维持生态安全上具有不可替代的作用。近年来,城市绿地景观生态研究虽然得到普遍关注,但现有的研究多倾向于一般空间格局分析,针对不同功能区的绿地景观生态综合比较评价研究却少见报道。以武钢工业区为例,选用IKONOS为主要信息源,结合外业调查,建立工业区绿地地理信息系统,以景观生态学理论为指导,从物种丰富度、群落结构、绿地类型斑块特征、景观异质性等方面进行了武钢工业区绿地景观生态学分析,并运用主成分分析法,对不同功能区绿地景观生态学作了综合评价,为区域景观生态综合评价提供一定的参考。研究结果表明:工业区中普遍运用的是抗性较强的树种,种类较丰富,其中物种数量为7~8的斑块出现频率及面积均最高。武钢绿化覆盖率为30.58%,绿地破碎,主要由中小型绿地斑块组成,附属绿地是工业区绿化主体。公园绿地物种搭配最为丰富,绿化质量较高,其它绿地空间呈团聚状态分布,防护绿地形态格局比较简单,生产绿地分离度最大(0.718)。不同区域绿地景观格局表现差异显着,生活区绿地斑块规模普遍较大,绿化覆盖率高(43.27%),景观多样性高(3.39);主厂区绿地破碎度为1.3246,物种丰富度低(0.8941);工业港绿地物种丰富多样(1.1765),各景观格局指数居中。通过主成分分析,利用主成分与贡献率乘积的累积值,对不同区域绿地进行景观生态学综合评价,将评价指标综合为景观格局及物种多样性2项指标,由于主厂区绿地破碎,覆盖率低,分布不合理,物种单一,生活区普遍较好,最后得出生活区绿地景观生态最优,工业港次之,主厂区最差。该方法为绿地景观生态评价指标选择提供了一定的参考价值,为工业区绿地系统的景观结构优化提供依据。  相似文献   
目的:调查研究四川沙湾区的药用植物资源,全面掌握沙湾区重点中药资源的分布以及利用现状。方法:通过野外调查和内业整理以及文献查阅工作,重新明确该地区现有的重点药用植物。结果:沙湾区内药用植物有135科527种,重点药用植物100种,其中沙湾区国家Ⅰ级野生保护植物有1种,Ⅱ级野生保护植物10种,Ⅲ级野生保护植物6种;2015年版中国药典收载的基原植物有85种,人工栽培药用植物有23种。结论:沙湾区中药资源较为丰富但利用率低,其中药材产业发展具有较大潜力,此次调查结果为沙湾区中药资源的中药材产业化发展提供新的基础数据与方向。  相似文献   
福州金山学区主要园林植物害虫种类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采集调查、室内饲养和鉴定,初步获得金山学区32种主要园林植物上害虫80种,隶属昆虫纲8目38科,另蛛形纲3种。  相似文献   
浙江地区汉族三百例手纹的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报道汉族正常的手纹图型。指纹的斗型、尺箕、桡箕及弓型的频率分别为51.67%、43.4%、2.83%及2.1%。t%及atd角的均值分别为17.7%及40.28°。手掌有二个掌轴三叉的占3%。ab纹嵴数均值39.03,男比女高(p<0.01)。ab间的距离为2.21cm。无a、b三叉缺失,c、d三叉缺失者10.3%。指间三叉占6.33%。A线止于鱼际的占9.33%,证明了右手掌纹比左手横向水平。鱼际区(T/I_1)及小鱼际区的真实花纹出现率分别为11.3%及20.5%。双手I_2、I_3、I_4区的花纹各为1%、4.67%及57%。正常型掌褶占88.2%。  相似文献   
梁忠生 《生物信息学》2018,25(7):112-116
分析滨湖地区旅游规划的相关理论和国内外研究开发实践,以宿迁环骆马湖地区为实证研究,探索滨湖地区休闲度假旅游的规划途径与策略。首先分析环骆马湖片区发展旅游的优势与劣势,有针对性地提出规划策略:即以水资源保护为前提,充分依托现有资源条件和市场需求,提出该地区旅游发展定位并塑造品牌旅游产品;合理进行空间布局,因地制宜梳理城湖空间关系,完善“外联、内环、慢体验”的交通方式,以保障宿迁环骆马湖地区的旅游发展。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To identify whether the combination of pre-treatment radiological and clinical factors can predict the overall survival (OS) in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) treated with stereotactic body radiation and sequential S-1 (a prodrug of 5-FU combined with two modulators) therapy with improved accuracy compared with that of established clinical and radiologic risk models. METHODS: Patients admitted with LAPC underwent diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) scan at 3.0-T (b = 600 s/mm2). The mean signal intensity (SIb = 600) of region-of-interest (ROI) was measured. The Log-rank test was done for tumor location, biliary stent, S-1, and other treatments and the Cox regression analysis was done to identify independent prognostic factors for OS. Prediction error curves (PEC) were used to assess potential errors in prediction of survival. The accuracy of prediction was evaluated by Integrated Brier Score (IBS) and C index. RESULTS: 41 patients were included in this study. The median OS was 11.7 months (2.8-23.23 months). The 1-year OS was 46%. Multivariate analysis showed that pre-treatment SIb = 600 value and administration of S-1 were independent predictors for OS. The performance of pre-treatment SIb = 600 and S-1 treatment in combination was better than that of SIb = 600 or S-1 treatment alone. CONCLUSION: The combination of pre-treatment SIb = 600 and S-1 treatment could predict the OS in patients with LAPC undergoing SBRT and sequential S-1 therapy with improved accuracy compared with that of established clinical and radiologic risk models.  相似文献   
王鹏  王亚娟  刘小鹏  陈晓  孔福星 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2672-2682
以宁夏自治区红寺堡区为例,以1995年、2000年、2005、2010年和2015年5期遥感影像为数据源,综合运用景观格局指数、生态风险指数、空间分析法以及地理探测器等多种研究方法,研究了移民安置区生态风险时空特征。结果表明:1995—2015年研究区景观格局发生了较大的变化,草地面积减少了2.97×10~4hm~2,耕地、林地、建设用地分别增加了1.90×10~4hm~2,0.42×10~4hm~2和0.43×10~4hm~2;在研究期间景观整体斑块数不断增加,其景观整体破碎度随之变大;研究区生态风险主要以较低风险和中风险为主,其中建设用地、沙地和未利用地生态风险值较高,在研究期间生态风险平均值由0.166降低至0.154,研究区生态风险值呈降低趋势。通过地理探测器诊断得出景观斑块数、景观破碎度、景观优势度、景观损失度、斑块密度等因素是安置区生态风险的主要影响因素。  相似文献   
通过大田试验,研究了沟垄集雨种植结合不同补灌量处理对冬小麦光合器官、光合速率、产量和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:沟垄宽度各为60 cm时,集雨种植不灌溉(T1)、返青期种植沟补灌375 m3·hm-2(T2)和种植沟补灌750 m3·hm-2(T3)3个处理较平作灌水750 m3·hm-2(畦灌,T4)处理的小麦籽粒产量分别提高2.8%、9.6%和18.9%,收获系数提高2.0%~ 8.5%,旗叶叶绿素含量提高41.9% ~64.4%,整个生育期内0~ 40 cm土壤含水量增加了0.1%~4.6%;开花期和灌浆期的叶片光合速率分别较T4处理提高了22.3%~ 54.2%和-4.3%~67.2%,农田总水分利用效率较T4处理分别提高17.9%、10.4%和15.4%,比平作不灌水处理(CK)提高69.3%、58.6%和65.7%;降水利用效率较CK提高94.3% ~ 124.5%;T2、T3处理各生育阶段叶面积均显著高于T4处理,灌溉水利用效率分别比T4处理提高119.1%和18.8%.在灌溉量减少50%的条件下,集雨种植比畦灌处理能维持较高的籽粒产量,显著提高灌溉水利用效率,尤其是在降雨量偏少的年份,可以显著提高小麦水分利用效率.  相似文献   
Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a huge environmental management challenge for Europe, demanding an integrated sustainable approach to water management and a common objective of obtaining ‘good status’ for all water bodies before 2015. The main task is the preparation of a river basin management plan for each of the 96 European river basin districts before the end of 2009. In Odense River Basin (island of Fyn, Denmark), one of 14 appointed European Pilot River Basins, the implementation of the WFD has been developed and tested in practice. Reference conditions and ecological status classification for Odense Fjord, based on eelgrass (Zostera marina) depth limit and nutrient concentrations, have been drawn up through a combination of historical data and modelling tools. A subsequent quantitative linking of pressures and impact, in casu between land-based nitrogen (N) loading of the fjord and resulting nutrient concentrations and eelgrass appearance, provided an estimate of the needed nitrogen load reduction of the fjord. This amounted to approx. 1,200 tonnes N per year (an annual load reduction of ca. 11 kg N ha?1 of catchment area or ca. 19.5 g N m?2 of fjord surface)—a load reduction of ca. 60% from the present level—to obtain at least ‘good’ ecological status sensu WFD. It is presently not possible to quantify a target load for phosphorus (P) in relation to marine environmental objectives. An economically feasible programme of measures to obtain ‘good’ status in all surface water and groundwater bodies in Odense River Basin, using an integrated cost-effectiveness analysis, showed that re-establishment of wetlands, catchcrops, and reduced fertilisation norms are the most effective measures if large reductions in N loads to the aquatic environment are to be achieved. The total socio-economic cost of implementing the WFD in the river basin amounts to about 13 million €/year, which will increase the expense for water services by only 0.5–0.6% of the total income and production value in the basin (15,650 million €/year). Investments to obtain the needed nitrogen load reductions from agriculture are thus economically feasible. Further, it is not an impossible task, either economically or technically, to reach the objectives of the WFD while still retaining the possibility of keeping a high agricultural production in the catchment (maintaining livestock production but decreasing crop production in the case of Odense River Basin). The future conditions in Odense Fjord will not only depend on the success in reducing the load from the river basin area, but will also be affected by the trend in the nutrient loss from the whole Baltic catchment area. The high growth rates in the new EU Member States thus pose an important challenge to water managers, and decoupling of economic growth from pressure on water bodies will be necessary. Finally, a number of challenges facing water managers around the Baltic and within the EU, namely preconditions required to successfully implement the WFD, are presented.  相似文献   
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